Empowerment and opportunities
The strategy, however, is threefold.
Pamper them…
Cosset Moi provides women the opportunity to put their needs first… – Being a Woman
Women are born nurturers, which is good and needed to balance this world. However, in the process of placing the kids, family, school and even our companies or jobs first…we often neglect ourselves. Trust me, we are all guilty. The reality is, you do deserve the pampering, you do not need to spend a million dollars to feel like a celebrity or feel special, you should all the time. Period. We introduce you to the top artists locally and bring convenience to your me-time.
Be empowered to feel beautiful, just because you are. Just because………let that sink in.

Empower them…
But really, it is not all about you 😉 There is more, “I have a dream….” The Artist
We see them, toiling hard, working on their skills, perfecting their crafts, giving you their best, making art, trying to juggle the demands of life, maybe school, family and often with not enough appreciation. For what they do, they deserve more. An overwhelming majority of the Artists in the beauty industry are women. We want to give them a platform, an opportunity to build their dream of being the best in their craft. To have options, to choose their hours, to be able to balance their family life while they build their skills.

See them…
Behind the scene, the hidden things, the unseen – “Why don’t you see me?” The Girl
A woman’s value is not defined by where and to whom she is born, it is inherent. She is born with talents that are incomparable. She has worth because she is unique, one of a kind. Imagine knowing this but growing up feeling like a liability, feeling stuck, with no way out. Imagine having the dreams, passion and even the youth to pursue these dreams, but no opportunity, no hope to be able to fulfill them. Imagine living every day hoping somebody could help you. And then time passes and you…settle..forever. This sadly is the reality for many, many countless women in many countries. I believe, while we cannot do everything, we can do something so we are starting small……very small.
Currently, we are supporting education for individual young girls through
Compassion Australia
Compassion Australia is an international charity & child development organization. Through their Child Sponsorship Program, more than two million children are being released from poverty.